Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stolen Bike Club

So, I am now a member of the club referenced in the title of this post. It sucks. I biked home from work on Friday, as I typically do, and locked my bike in our downstairs bike storage room in our apartment building. In case you didn't quite catch that, let me rephrase: as of 7:00 PM Friday evening, my bike was LOCKED in a ROOM behind a LOCKED DOOR that was LOCKED. Then, Monday morning, when I left to go to work, I discovered that my bike was gone. Missing. Nowhere to be seen in the bike room. It looked to me like nothing else was missing. I saw all the bikes I normally see in there; only mine was gone. So I swore and cursed a lot, and then walked to work.

A few thoughts about this went through my head as I walked. I was trying to think of what might have happened. One possibility is that I forgot to lock the bike room Friday night. I ruled this out immediately; when it comes to important things like keys and locks, I am VERY MUCH a creature of habit, and my habit is to lock the bike room doorknob as soon as I open it, even before I go in to leave or retrieve my bike. Another possibility is that another tenant of this building forgot to lock the bike room door. Of course, if that were the case, that would mean that someone just randomly happened to forget to lock the door on the same day that some punk just randomly happened to try the knob. Possible, but pretty unlikely. (I should mention here that, in the past 2.5 years of me using the bike store room 5 days a week, I don't think it's _ever_ been accidentally left unlocked by anyone. At least, not that I've ever seen.) Another possibility is that someone picked the lock, which is certainly possible, if they are skilled enough. I didn't see signs of forced entry, though. Nothing about the door seemed damaged at all. I don't know what signs, if any, would be left behind if someone picked a lock. So maybe someone picked the lock and was in a hurry, so just grabbed the first bike available, which was mine.

Finally, it's possible someone who shouldn't have a key has one. There's a guy who used to work for CDSP as a maintenance / groundskeeping type guy, and I suspect he might have something to do with it. He was fired several months ago for a variety of unpleasant reasons, and a couple months after he was fired, several bikes went missing from the CDSP dorm building, again, bikes that were behind a locked door. But that's a whole other story. Anyway, I suspect maybe it was him. I don't know of anyone else who would potentially have a key, especially since all of our doors in this apartment building had their locks replaced not that long ago.

Anyway, so this evening, our doorbell rings, I answer it, and it's our apartment building manager, telling me that he has joined my club; his bike was stolen too. It was there yesterday (Monday), but gone today (Tuesday). So - two bikes were stolen from a locked door within 2-4 days. I think that effectively rules out even the possibility that the door was accidentally left unlocked. I think either someone's picking it, or someone has a key.

Anyway, Jim (the apartment manager who lost his bike) is going to report to the police. I've got a friend who was planning on selling his bike on Craigslist, who will probably just give it to me instead (after I check it out to make sure it fits me, etc.), and in the meantime, I'll just walk to work. It probably takes more energy to walk to and from work than it does to bike, and that's probably good for me anyway. So. I am now officially a victim of what I hear is the most common crime in Berkeley. I never thought I would be a victim of this particular crime here in Berkeley, since my bike was behind locked doors 99% of the time (it gets, or rather, got locked inside at work, and was locked inside the bike room at home). Crazy, eh?

P.S. In completely unrelated news, did you all know that Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert, has read this particular post? He posted on his blog once that he has set up a Google Alert that will notify him whenever his name, Scott Adams, turns up on the internet. He said something about how it's like being a fly on the wall, because no one ever expects him to be reading their dinky little blog. So, now that I have included his name, Scott Adams, three separate times in this post, Google will pick it up, and will let him know that he was mentioned, and he will come read this post. Hi Scott! I know this post doesn't have anything at all to do with you, so I'll just include a small amount of fanboyism here for you. Santa brought us Dilbert 2.0 for Christmas, and it was fantastic. I only wish it had even more in it. ;-) I haven't yet delved into the DVD, however, so I guess there's still plenty for me to read.

UPDATE: So Jim called the cops, who came over and talked to him for a little while, and then talked to me as well. We've got case numbers and everything. (Separate case numbers, presumably since they happened at different times.) The cop referred to the perpetrator as the "bad guy." Seriously. We were talking about how we think it was probably Sunday night and Monday night, and the cop said something about how we should make sure everyone who has bikes in that room has moved them, because "The bad guy could be back in 30 minutes, an hour, 2 hours, 5 hours."


Kyle said...

There, how do you like that, everyone?! A real blog post! Ha! It's not true that I never update; only that I very rarely update! :-P

Circuit 23 said...

aw man, that sucks!

Baron von Chop said...

With that second bike being stolen, the plot, as they say, thickens. I certainly suspect Surly Ex-Maintenance Man, and I imagine the police will, as well. Hopefully they nab him and stop his heinous bike-stealing spree once and for all.

A.P. said...

Does you club have a handshake? that would be cool. Then the theif would want to have HIS bike stolen so he could be a part of that club.

Oh, and it needs a secret password too. Something you have to say at a door with a slot that only shows you the eyes of the giant mean guy behind it. You can only see his eyes, but you just know he is huge. And angry for some reason.

Oh, by the way, do you want to buy a bike? It was just sitting in this storage room... :)

labrythyne said...

that is unfortunate. but i was at the store the other night and they had big wheels on sale.... and then there's this post. maybe a coincidence? i think not! you should definitely check into those.

as for the "bad guy" eh.... good luck with the cops on that. my recent experiences with the law enforcers hasn't been all that great or satisfactory.