Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Whee! I'm a FanBoy!

I happen to quite like Irregular Webcomic!, as well as Darths and Droids. Recently, this poll was posted on the Irregular site. I sent an email about this poll to David Morgan-Mar, the creator of IWC and co-creator of Ds & Ds. I got the following response (which has my original interleaved in it):

> Hi David,
> Maybe I should have sent this email when it was still the active poll
> on your site ... but in any case, I just thought I'd share a quick
> story of one of the times I had that dream. I've had it probably at
> least 3 times, if not more. Every time I've had it, my first action
> upon waking up is to check my mouth and verify that I really do still
> have all my teeth. One time, I woke up and checked my mouth, only to
> find that my teeth were still missing! I went on to tell (and show) my
> older brother all about how I had dreamed I lost my teeth, and when I
> woke up, they were still missing. I had, of course, "woken up" from my
> original dream into a new dream, although I didn't realize it at the
> time. Eventually, I did wake up for real, and still had all my teeth.
> I then went on to tell my older brother about both dreams. ;-)

Yeah, I've had it like that a couple of times. I was positive that my
teeth really had fallen out, and then I finally woke up for real.

> I love the comic. Both of them, actually. :-)

Glad to hear it. :-)

cheers, thanks for writing,

I don't have much else to say beyond that. Just wanted to point out my own fanboyishness.

BTW, I'm sure that, with this posting, I am setting a record for least amount of time between posts on my blog. I'm quite sure this record will never be beaten. So don't get your hopes up. ;-)


Baron von Chop said...

I've had all sorts of dreams about my teeth falling out. I just thought it was because I have bad teeth. Then again, in today's world, toothpaste commercials have convinced everyone that their teeth aren't good enough, no matter how good they are.

In my dreams, my teeth not only fall out, but they are also sometimes broken or crushed. Then I have halfway broken teeth sticking out of my gums while the rest crunch around in my mouth. Not fun.

Darths and Droids is awesome.

Baron von Chop said...

I miss this blog. You should post more. :)